We are committed to your residents well being.
Product Safety & Compliance Sheets
Disinfecting, Sanitary & Cleaning Policy

*Checklist of Supplies Needed: Barbicide Concentrate, Spray bottle (filled with properly concentrated Barbacide) Barbicide Wipes, Clippercide (cleans and disinfects) for clippers, trimmers and edgers, Barbicide Sanitizer for pedicure bowls, Hand Sanitizer Ship-Shape Comb and Brush Cleaner, Ship-Shape Professional Appliance and Glass Cleaner Clean towels / paper towels Gloves Trash bags.
*Disinfection Reminders: Disinfectants are EPA-registered and labeled as bactericidal, viricidal, and fungicidal. No product will be labeled for COVID-19 yet, but many will have human coronavirus efficacy either on their label or available on their websites. The EPA has approved any product that has tested as effective against human coronavirus, to make a claim for COVID-19 at this time. Disinfection only works on a clean item, so cleaning before disinfecting is always the first step. Methods to clean include soap/water, chemical cleaners (Ship-Shape), wipes.
Contact time listed on the label must be observed for disinfectants to work. The contact time refers to how long the surface must stay visibly wet with the disinfectant to inactivate or destroy all the pathogens on the label. Typical contact time for immersion/sprays is 10 minutes, for wipes is 2-4 minutes. Disinfectant for immersion must be made fresh daily and replaced if it becomes contaminated sooner. For example, hair/debris floating in solution or a cloudy solution. Disinfection is for hard, non-porous surfaces, typically things made of glass, metal, and plastic or referred to as synthetic materials. Porous/soft surfaces cannot be disinfected but can be cleaned. This would include but is not limited to items such as towels, chairs covered in a porous material and our handbook to Re-Opening Checklist
*Reception and Retail Area: Discard old magazines and other non-essential items in the waiting area that cannot be disinfected Wipe down all soft surfaces (couches, chairs) with water and a clean towel - Remember that these soft surfaces cannot be disinfected Clean and disinfect all hard, non-porous surfaces such as reception counter, computer keyboard, phones, door handles, light switches and point of sale equipment - Make sure to follow contact time for all surfaces and disinfect all shelving, glass and display cases; keep product containers clean and dust-free.
*Communicate with clients and Community Mailroom:
Placing signage in the window to notify clients of our diligence in practicing proper infection control
*Work Stations: Clean and disinfect all non-porous implements used in your services, as required by all states (immersion, spray or wipe) Store properly disinfected implements in closed, containers that have also been disinfected (wipe or spray) Clean and disinfect all electrical implements used in your services as required by all states Clean and disinfect chairs and headrests - Remember that porous materials cannot be disinfected and ongoing use of disinfectants on materials covering chairs, can damage the material - On initial opening, feel free to disinfect your chairs, but limit that to once-daily – consider barrier methods on chairs such as disposable paper drapes or towels that can be laundered after each client Clean and disinfect station, rolling carts, drawers and any containers used for storage Ensure that single-use (porous items) are new All items on a nail station must either be new, never used or cleaned and disinfected (stored in a closed container until ready to use)
Treatment Rooms: Clean and disinfect any appliances used Clean and disinfect treatment tables - Remember that porous materials cannot be disinfected and ongoing use of disinfectants on materials covering tables can damage the material – consider barrier methods on chairs such as disposable paper drapes or towels that can be laundered after each client Ensure that all product to be used has not been contaminated by improper removal of the product prior to closure Ensure all single-use items are new Empty wax pots, completely clean and disinfect – refill with new wax Ensure that multi-use product containers have adequate single-use applicators available to safely remove product without contaminating the remaining product
Restrooms that are located in the salon:
Call Housekeeping immediately with any concerns or issues.
Clean and disinfect all surfaces. Replace any soft goods (toilet paper, paper towels). Make sure doorknobs are wiped frequently.
Laundry: Any linens that may have been left in the salon (clean or dirty) prior to the closure, should be washed per the rules of your state - If no rules exist about laundry, wash on hot with detergent and dry until “hot to the touch” - There should be no moisture or dampness in any linen Launder (porous) or disinfect (non-porous) all capes. All linens should be stored in closed, covered cabinets until used.
Shampoo Bowls: Clean all bowls, handles, hoses, spray nozzles, and shampoo chairs Disinfect all bowls, handles, hoses, spray nozzles, and shampoo chairs observing full contact time with a properly concentrated disinfectant or wipe.
Pedicure Bowls: Remove all parts that can be removed from the bowl. Clean and disinfect removed parts by immersing for full contact time in properly diluted disinfectant. Scrub bowl with soap/water or detergent. Return removable parts to bowl. Rinse bowl with clean water. Disinfect the bowl – fill bowl with water and add the proper amount of Barbicide or Spacide to achieve the correct concentration - If our bowl has jets, turn on and let disinfectant solution circulate for 10 full minutes - If your bowl does not have jets, simply let it sit for the full ten minutes.Empty water after 10 minutes is complete and allow to air dry. Ensure all multi-use materials that may have been contaminated by improper removal prior to closure are replaced – such as lotions, scrubs. Ensure that all single-use materials are new.
On-going Safety Rules: ALL states have health and public safety rules that MUST be followed at all times. The steps below are best practice and may go above and beyond what a state requires.
Disinfectants/ PPE:
1. Disinfectant must be EPA-registered and labeled as bactericidal, viricidal and fungicidal - No product will be labeled for COVID-19 yet, but many will have human coronavirus efficacy either on their label or available on their websites - The EPA has approved any product that has tested as effective against human coronavirus, to make a claim for COVID-19 at this time.
2. Disinfectant for immersion must be made fresh daily and replaced if it becomes contaminated sooner.
3. Any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used is single use and must be changed after each client, for example gloves.
Mask may be required and changing them would be dependent upon availability and current laws and policies.
4. Hands must be washed after removing gloves.
Practical changes:
1. In the short term, consider staggering appointments so that waiting areas have minimal congestion - Staggering of appointments also gives adequate time to properly clean and disinfect in between customers. If you continue to take walk-ins, be conscious of how many people are in your waiting area and be responsible about keep those numbers low. We will be expanding our hours to accommodate this safety policy.
2. Consider how to make your phone, POS terminals and computers safer by disinfecting frequently.
3. In the short term, do not re-introduce things like magazines, self-serve coffee or candy jars, food, snacks, beverages.
4. Disinfect reception counter, door handles, phones and writing implements at the beginning of the day and every 1-2 hours, based on traffic
5. Consider use of masks/gloves for all esthetics/waxing services
6. Wear a mask per government laws, salon and community management requests.
7. Discontinue the practice of shaking hands - While this handshaking has long been considered a sign of welcoming and respect, there are safer ways to welcome someone.
8. Do not come to work if you are not feeling well. Please return with a doctor’s note.
8. Decline services for any client that exhibits signs of illness.
Hand Hygiene:
1. Wash hands with soap/water for 30 seconds before/after eating, and using the restroom.
2. Wash hands immediately before and after providing a client. Also, apply hand sanitizer.
3. Hand sanitizer will be at the reception desk for clients to use.
Cleaning and Disinfection:
1. All implements (non-porous) being used on more than 1 client, must be cleaned and disinfected for the full contact time on the disinfectant label before being used.
2. Stations, chairs, rolling carts and any other storage containers disinfected daily
3. All pedicure bowls fully cleaned and disinfected before EACH client - All removable parts removed and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected - Bowl scrubbed with brush and detergent/soap - Bowl rinsed - Removable parts replace - Properly concentrated disinfectant in bowl and allowed to sit or run (jets) for full contact time listed on the disinfectant label - Bowl drained and rinsed
4. All hand/foot nail drying tables cleaned and disinfected after each client or barrier method used.
5. Fill out cleaning log daily.
1. All towels/capes laundered (porous) or disinfected (non-porous) after a single use.
2. All towels/linens dried until “hot to the touch”.
3. All towels/linens stored in a closed, covered container.
Cleaning and Disinfection of Implements and Surfaces:
1. Clean item or surface: Cleaning is intended to prepare the item or surface so that disinfectant can make full contact with the material and be effective against all pathogens listed on the label - Cleaning may be done with soap/water, chemical cleaner or wipe
2. Rinse and dry implement or surface.
3. Disinfect using a properly concentrated disinfectant made for immersion, a spray or wipe - All disinfectants must be EPA-registered as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
4. Observe full contact time on manufacturers label - This means that implement or surface must stay visibly wet for full contact time listed.
5. Immersed items should be removed at the end of contact time, rinsed and dried with a paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel .
Cleaning and Disinfection of Electrical Implements:
1. Clean implement with wipe or spray and remove any debris, such as hair 2. Use an EPA-registered bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal spray, foam or wipe to disinfect implement for full contact time listed on the manufacturers label 3. When contact time is complete, dry with paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel